Saturday, February 5, 2011

Me Right Now

I'v recently come to the realization that French fashion could be subtitled: A Study in the Number of Ways to Wear Black.  A few weeks ago (maybe a month now), Muriel asked me to have a discussion about fashion with the students and to talk about how it can hide you but also show your personality.  A fairly straightforward conversation.  In any other place, that is.
Me: So, why do we wear clothes?
(Many reasons offered: warmth, not naked, etc.)
Girl whose name I can't remember:  To show our personality.
Me: Exactly.  For example, can you tell me why you're wearing stripes today?
Girl: What are stripes?
Me: They're the things on your sweater.  (She was wearing a grey and BLACK striped sweater.)
Girl: Oh.  I'm wearing this so that people won't be able to know anything about me.
Essentially, everyone could parrot back what their teachers had told them about clothes and how they work, but no one really practiced it.  I also discussed this with Cécile, Maryse's roommate, and she said that she was at some French fashion discussion and they talked about how focused French people are on blending in via fashion than, say, American or British culture.  Don't worry, though.  I keep it real with my colors.
       I just walked to the electronics store in the Carrefour to see if purchasing a small portable oven is in or out of the question.  The most "reasonably" priced one is 88€ and I'm not even entirely sure that it would fit the cupcake tin I've hijacked from Flo (reasons for this in a later post).  Food is the only thing in France that is cheap.  Everything else is extortion.
       I was leaving Carrefour when I saw Maud driving up.  That was unexpected.  But not really.  I kind of thought it was weird that I had been out so often today without seeing anyone I know.  So, my day's been full now.
       I'm currently at Macdo hopefully uploading the video to YouTube for your viewing pleasure.  If this doesn't work, I actually haven't got an alternative.  I ran into my second birthday party that I've seen since arriving here.  Please don't ever let me have my child's birthday party at McDonalds.  Please don't ever let me live somewhere that this seems like the best option in terms of venues.


Update: It is frickin' adorable to hear the French kids sing "Happy Birthday" in French ("Joyeux Anniversaire").

Update: And then in English.

Update: And then in French again.

Update: And then in Frenglish?

Update: And then in English again.

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