Friday, February 25, 2011

L'Hiver becomes L'Enfer: That Time Europe Turned Against Me (Part 3)

After arriving in Basel, Jen and I waited for Jen’s bag and then waited to get on the bus shuttle to the train station.  We got on the train to Strasbourg and had no problem.  Magically, this train station had a waiting room that was OPEN and inside.  (Virieu has one that’s sometime’s open and inside.  The other side has a bus stop like shack.)  When we got off the train, we took the tram to Jen’s area, got off to get some groceries, and made the trek chez elle
            We didn’t do much that night except eat some dinner and then go to bed.  She made a lovely pasta with crème fraiche (Jen’s obsession) and veggies. 
            The next day we had quite a late start.  Though mine was slightly before Jen’s, so I went downstairs and watched some telly.  Her cable is amazing and sometimes lets you choose to watch in English or French.  Vair exciting.
            When she got up, we bumbled around for a long time (watching Dexter, I think) before we decided to make the most of the day and head off to explore Strasbourg: Capitale de Noël!  This exploration really just included going to Jen’s favorite Christmas market.
Christmastiiiiiime is heeeeeere!
            We took the tram back to city center.  As soon as we got off, Jen needed to go to the ATM.  I managed to get a photo, though, of the streets. 
You..... light up my liiiiife, street.
            As is terribly common in Europe, the streets had lights up as well. 
            There was also a fancy carriage.  Though I’m not sure where it took you.
Maybe it took you back in time?
            Then we actually went into the Christmas market.
I want the world.  I want the whole world...
I got the zebra one.  MIXED.
            We didn’t get much.  But I insisted we pick up some candied almonds since they’re seasonally delicious.  I also got the fat kid treat of a meringue mountain.  These are all over France, and I first saw them when I was in Paris just before Christmas 2 years ago.  It’s basically meringue covered in chocolate.  Usually, they come in sets of 9-12, but since I was a first-timer, I just wanted one.  So I asked for one.  The boy behind the counter looked massively confused, so I said wanted one.  He picked it up with his bare hands and gave it to me.  Definitely sanitary.  It was the fattest thing I’ve ever eaten.
            We then peaced out and went to the big grocery store, which is in a mall!  Did I mention that Strasbourg is a legitimate city?  Much unlike Belley.  It was strange, actually, to be in a French city that wasn’t Paris but that was so full of shopping.  Anyway, we got a ton of food since we were expecting all of the shops to be closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas.  (It was only the 20th, but I was leaving for Brussels the next day.)   So we loaded up and then had to carry the 4 bags across this big icy/snowy plain to get back to the tram.  Naturally, the bags kept getting caught on my boot buckles and so started to tear a bit.  Once we got on the tram, Jen and I traded so that they wouldn’t break and we wouldn’t look more foolish than we already did.  I later found plastic bag scraps tucked into my buckles.
            When we got back, we had some chips and homemade salsa with Jen’s German roommate.  I think for dinner, we had pasta again.
Feast!  (Also, note evil Frankenstein....)
            The next day, I was up at about 5 to get to my 7am train to head off to Brussels solo!  To meet dear friend Fiorella from NDA!  Details to follow.
Finally getting caught up-edly,

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