Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Oh em geez.  Why do I love my students SO much?  Ionno!

Today I got an email from Yoan, whom I've never mentioned before, but he's such a sweet boy and he wants to study architecture and he's left handed and just a gentle dove and I can't ever say enough to make you non-Belleysans understand...  Anyway, he sent me an email today saying that he hopes I have a nice trip home and Mrs. Michaud gave out the cookies I made for his class on Monday and they were eaten in a matter of seconds and he hopes that I have good memories of France and my time in Belley and how he wanted to write the email in English but his level isn't yet perfect.  FRICKIN' ADORBS.

Noémie offered to make me a new bracelet after I accidentally destroyed the one she gave me.  (In blog post to come...)  Then she said she's coming to class again tomorrow because she wants to see me and she'll miss me.

On Monday, my friend whom I have yet to introduce here (because I am hopelessly behind!) came to visit me and we ran into Favorite Marie outside of school at 4pm.  We chatted until her bus came at 5.  It's really interesting to talk to the students, especially when you basically don't have to worry about comprehension.  Then we bisous-ed and said goodbye...FOREVER?

I went to dinner at Favorite Charlène's tonight.  We also bisous-ed after she drove me back to the internat.

I think I might end up missing it here after all.  But only the people.  Someone Indian in the Cupboard them for me!  (After a fashion, anyway.)

But things I won't miss about Belley.  Conversations like this one that happened ages ago:
Nicole: Something about Kenya.
Me: Barack Obama's father is from Kenya.
Josiane (History teacher): Obama's Muslim, no?
Me: No.

During the trivia game last week:
Me: What is the state in which Barack Obama grew up?
Student 1: Texas
Student 2: Florida
3: Michigan
4: Alaska
5. New York
6: Oklahoma
7: Washington
Me: No.  If it helps you, it's also the youngest state.
8: Massachusetts?
Later in that same class...
Me: Which state is Sarah Palin from?
Romane: Alaska.


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