Monday, November 14, 2011

Times Around Town

Last Sunday I went to a concert with Negin from Wash U.  It was for The Drums at the Black Cat.  The opening band was two guys called True Womanhood, and the lead singer was wearing a Fila sweatshirt and glasses.  It wasn't until he took those two articles off that he looked like a front man.  They were good but nearly impossible to understand.  I then got a ginger beer with actual pieces of ginger in it!  (Have I already told you that in Britain, pulp is sometimes called juicy bits?  Well, I guess these were beer-y bits.)
       We were expecting the performance to be kind of hipster and apathetic, but it was basically the opposite!  The front man for The Drums was swaying and almost like a Paul Anka for the "over it" set.  Maybe he's be better likened to Vince Fontaine in Grease.  You can see his retro TV host swag here.  He opened the concert by saying, "Thank you for coming out tonight.  We know Sunday nights can be very relaxing, so we'd like to make sure that doesn't happen here."  It was a good concert, and they performed nearly all of their songs.  But NOT their first single, which was a huge letdown.  (Sidenote: their lack of interest in that music video explains why we thought they would be bored at their own concert.)  But if you had a huge amount of success (I'm talking on the Indie scale here) with a certain song, would you get tired of performing it?  Senior year of college, I went to a concert with some friends, and the lead singer of the band (fun.) had previously been in a different band called The Format.  People started asking him to sing their "big hit."  He responded by saying, "I'm in a band called fun. now."  But then he sang it anyway.  So, the lesson is, GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT.
       Also, The Drums say:
We only write about two feelings: one is the first day of summer when you and all of your friends are standing on the edge of a cliff watching the sun set and being overcome with all of your hopes and dreams at once. The other is when you're walking alone in the rain and realize you will be alone forever.

Last week, I went on a few walks.  During one, had three lovely discoveries.  One was a front garden art exhibit:
Whimsical whimsy.

Found art?

Takes a lot of balls to do something like this
Walkawalkawalka, I passed Ralph Lauren on the high street, where they were putting up Christmas decorations.  Why do people have no respect for Thanksgiving as a legitimate holiday to be recognized and celebrated?  
       When I got into residential territory, I came upon this GIANT caterpillar.
The leaves are to give a size idea. 
And also to make it look like a butterfly.. 
On Friday, I went to The Fashion Centre (they think they're British...  Like me.) at Pentagon City.  It was probably the most terrifying mall I've ever been to.  Just too large.  Like Del Amo in Torrance size.  At Del Amo, they have multiples of the same stores.  Is this true at Fashion Centre?  Don't know because I was too scared to run around and check it out.  Anyway, they're on the Christmas bandwagon as well.
Look at the size of that tree.  But, more importantly, look at the size of that mall!  And only with one toilet that was practically outside...  But I digress.  

I also went for a run and saw a thing to memorialize Harry Potter.
Too much.
I also went to a Meetup event on Friday because I need to know more people in this strange and wondrous people.  It was fairly successful.  We'll see who I still know in a few weeks, EH?
          Also, in terms of employment, I started with a temp agency and have a phone interview tomorrow.  But who cares about that?

Not me,

1 comment:

  1. so, lots of things:

    1. i like the format. who'd you go with? i would have gone. that's not the song i like from them though. yes, i only know one and that counts as "liking" them.

    2. why didn't you mention the shit you bought?

    3. huuuuge caterpillar. looks like ball of fuzz. now imagine what camille would do if you dropped fuzzy wuzzy on her shoulder. AUGHDKFJDSKLSDKJKALSKDJDSKJF rATS IN THE BASEMENTTTTTT

    4. jobs suck


