Tuesday, March 15, 2011

L'Hiver becomes L'Enfer: That Time Europe Turned Against Me (Interlude)

Before Christmas break continues, I’d like to recount 3 things that I left out of my previous chronicle.
1. The night before I left for break, I went to the internat Christmas party, which is basically bands playing and a giant meal. It was super tender. I walked in a tad late to see Luca (from Premier ES) as the lead singer in the performing band. I’d like to say it’s my terrific ability to enhance his English speaking skills that determined his being chosen to be the frontman. I’m prolly wrong, though. Anyway, they basically just performed covers that I was sometimes able to figure out, but also sometimes not.
During dinner, I had a super intense conversation with Marion (one of the surveillants) about home schooling, for which she’s super pro.
After dinner, they served this chocolate dessert that I was totes excited to devour. Until I took the first bite and struggled to swallow it because it was SO burnt. Like, I can’t even express to you how horrifying it was. I can’t believe the kitchen actually served it. I looked around the room to see everyone’s great big eyes as they picked it up to put the chocolate dessert in their mouths and then watched as oh so many faces just dropped and the dessert was pushed away. Comedy.
2. While on the 10 hour Titanic train ride, after I went to sit with the Russian drinking buddies (around hour 9), there was a conductor making his way through the train. The girl sitting across from me had her feet resting on the chair across from her because, oh I don’t know, we had been in one position for 9 hours. And the conductor tapped her feet and told her, “C’est une siège.” (It’s a chair.) Jerkwad.
3. Shortly after that one told girl to get her feet off the chair, another guy came around to give snack boxes. For some reason, he reached over me to give the box of bottled water, crackers, and spreads to the girl sitting by the window. Don’t worry, though, she just hunched over and didn’t share any of the food with the rest of us in the seats around her. Even though the people across the aisle were passing their box around and even passing it across to the four chairs behind us as they wondered aloud why the conductors 1) waited so long to give food out and 2) didn’t bring a box for each seat group. The girl continued to work her way through the snack box. Trick.

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