Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm Up! I'm Up!

So, tomorrow's the morrow.  For those of you who have forgotten (or are in denial), tomorrow morning I leave to begin an eight month adventure of teaching French high schoolers in a suburb of Lyon called Belley.  (Check out the links on the side to find out more about the region and whatnot.)  Given that I'll be away for nearly a year, this morning I really relished waking up to the dogs barking and jumping all over me to wake up.  I wish I could take them with me.

I am really just so lucky.  There's such a constant outpour of support from everyone in my life.  Cards in the mail, mix CDs (thanks Maryse and Paula!), phone calls, last minute visits... it has really been incredibly moving.  I am so glad to have such amazing people around me, and I am truly humbled by the love that has been shown to me.  Thank you.

I had planned to take a photo of my room to show you all what the current state of my life/packing situation is, but since my room is always in a state of disgrace (slight reference to the ABC Family sitcom) it would really lose its effect.  To give you details, though, I've been running around like a maniac getting last minute things--toiletries, jeans, boots, etc.  The good news is that realizing that I'm leaving for eight months has forced me to get all of my boxes from Wash U out of the living room.  Better late than never, I suppose.

Anyway, I'll be living at the school in Belley.  I didn't find out until yesterday that that might actually prove to be a bit of an issue when I first arrive.  You see, I get in on a Saturday, and my contact just told me that the school isn't usually open on Saturdays.  He's going to try to get me a key.  If not, I guess I'll be finding an alternative.

Keep in mind, dear friends, that although I'm leaving the house at 5:30 tomorrow morning, I won't arrive at a train station near my final destination until 2:01 pm on Saturday.  I'll post as soon as I can...but next time...FROM FRANCE!

Might actually be living in a box,

1 comment:

  1. cherie,

    how did you fail to notice that to all of your non-french-speaking readers, the title of your blog appears to be "pre teat out?"

